How To Use Your Time And Energy Wisely

Highly successful people aren't necessarily people who work more, rather, they are people who work wisely. Working more doesn't necessarily mean you're more productive - it just means you have less time for other things and decreased work-life balance. 

In this video, I'll be sharing EIGHT tips that highly successful people do that you can use to help you become more efficient, productive and motivated -  without exhausting your time, energy, and effort

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Top 8 Tips for Using Time & Energy More Wisely!


The Science Behind What Highly Successful People Do 00:26

EATING FROGS FOR BREAKFAST: Start your day with the toughest thing on your list 00:46

THE 5AM CLUB: Why the early bird really does get the worm 01:32

LESS REALLY IS MORE: How more breaks & less work-time actually INCREASE productivity 02:35

KNOW YOUR LIMITS: Setting work-based boundaries 03:23

SECRET STEALERS: Watch for hidden tasks that take up your time 04:01

THE DETRACTORS: Eliminate distractions 05:14

WORKING IN YOUR SLEEP? Plan tomorrow tonight 06:08

TIMED TASKS: Put together a scheduled task list 06:47


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