Keynote#1 Working: Boost My Brain

“It’s a myth that we only use 10% of our brain…”

What It’s About

This presentation is about brain-boosting methods from cutting-edge new research for a future-ready, higher-caliber worker. It is designed to help companies and their employees reach their full potential.

The presentation dispels common brain myths and provides practical tips and tricks for improving cognitive function, motivation, productivity, and mental wellness. The speaker, Dr. Brynn, is a neuroscientist and positive psychologist who has researched how exceptional human brains work. She shares her findings in an engaging and motivational way, leaving audiences inspired to take action and improve their brainpower.

Attendee Benefits


Understanding how the brain processes rewards and positive emotions can help us design workplaces that foster a sense of accomplishment, gratitude, and belonging. This fuels motivation, engagement, and overall well-being. Practices like mindfulness and gratitude train the brain to focus on the positive aspects of work, leading to increased happiness, optimism, and resilience. Benefitting both employees and organizations.


Positive experiences stimulate the growth of neurons and strengthen neural connections, enhancing cognitive function, creativity, and problem-solving. Cultivating positive emotions activates the prefrontal cortex, responsible for higher-order thinking, planning, and goal setting. This leads to greater productivity, innovation, and overall flourishing.


Stress-management techniques like meditation and deep breathing activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and emotional regulation. This helps build resilience against stress and challenges. Developing a growth mindset and focusing on personal strengths help individuals bounce back from setbacks and learn from mistakes, fostering resilience and adaptability.


Challenging experiences trigger the brain's neuroplasticity, allowing it to adapt and grow stronger. This can lead to anti-fragility, where individuals thrive in adversity. Embracing challenges and seeking growth opportunities cultivate a sense of adventure and adaptability. This equips individuals to navigate uncertainty and emerge stronger from difficult situations.

Growth Mindset

Learning and new experiences stimulate the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which promotes the growth of new neurons and strengthens existing ones. This reinforces a growth mindset. Focusing on effort and progress over innate talent enhances the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This fosters a growth mindset and continuous learning.


Dr Brynn creates workplaces that nurture thriving, flourishing, resilient, anti-fragile individuals with a growth mindset by harnessing the power of neuroscience and positive psychology. This ultimately leads to a more engaged, productive, and innovative workforce, benefitting employees and organizations. Dr Brynn creates workplaces that nurture thriving, flourishing, resilient, anti-fragile individuals with a growth mindset by harnessing the power of neuroscience and positive psychology. This ultimately leads to a more engaged, productive, and innovative workforce, benefitting both employees and organizations.

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Why Dr. Brynn

Deep Understanding

Dr. Brynn has spent years researching and studying the brain, which gives her a deep understanding of the complex mechanisms and processes involved in brain function, learning, and performance. This expertise provides a more nuanced and comprehensive explanation of the brain-boosting methods presented in the talk.

Credibility & Authority

With research backed by the country's top institutions, the science delivered is not anecdotal but based on multidisciplinary research, not just a single field such as sports or psychology alone. This can be especially important for convincing employees who may be skeptical about the effectiveness of the brain-boosting methods and is key in dispelling misinformation, which can be counter-productive.

Practical Tips

Trained to communicate complex scientific concepts clearly and understandably, Dr. Brynn can bridge the gap between theoretical study and practical application, giving participants actionable tips and tricks they can immediately implement daily.

Answer Questions

Participants in the keynote program may have complex questions about the brain and the methods presented. With Dr. Brynn’s years of combined academic and industry practice, she is well-equipped to answer these questions accurately and in depth.

Latest Research

Dr. Brynn is engaged in ongoing research with multiple faculties, including Harvard University, allowing her to keep up-to-date on the latest neuroscience and positive psychology findings. This ensures the content is based on the most current and evidence-based practices.

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