What Audiences Are Saying

Alexzandria Johnson Headshot

“Dr. Brynn was both entertaining and inspiring to watch as the keynote address at the annual conference. She is an engaging speaker with methodical, forward-thinking expertise, merged with real-life practical practice. Dr. Brynn’s perspective on the future of business and marketing really resonated with me, I left the engagement rethinking our market position and feeling enlightened on some of the deeper facts around the future of our business and new realities. I felt Dr. Brynn’s keynote was an energizing talk, full of valuable strategies and perspectives that could be applied with my team for greater business success for years to come—we did ‘build a better business brain’—thanks Dr. Brynn!”

— Alexzandria Johnson, Heritage Funds

Sanjay Dhebar Headshot

“I have been going to meetings and conferences for 15 years and have attended many speakers and keynotes. Listening to Dr. Brynn, I was instantly interested, entertained, and learned something new, useful, and inspiring. She is talented, funny, and insightful. I will use and share Dr. Winegard's teachings not only professionally but also personally.”

— Sanjay Dhebar, Sales Leadership Expert

Jordan Witzel Headshot

“Whether speaking one-on-one or to a large audience, Dr. Winegard has a very special skill for energetically communicating her massive wealth of knowledge in a personable way. I could have chatted for hours with Dr. Brynn about the myriad of topics for which she exudes expertise and her talk was just as engaging. Dr. Winegard is an absolute pleasure to be in the presence of and to hear speak - she wears inspiration on her sleeve!”

— Jordan Witzel, Global News

Astrid Galfi Headshot

“I have had the privilege of watching Dr. Brynn perform at several conferences and each time I walked away inspired with a fresh outlook when approaching business issues. The content she presented is relevant to both burning business hot buttons, as well as forward thinking strategic thought-leadership. Dr. Brynn is a highly talented professional speaker who knows how to engage an audience—her passion certainly shines through. I would highly recommend attending a conference or event to hear her speak!”

— Astrid Galfi, Nielsen

Wayne Lee Headshot

“Dr. Brynn is so relevant for any group or organization that wants to boost their business performance and productivity. She connects and is instantly likeable from the moment she steps on stage. Her passion and energy are infectious. She is at the top of her field when it comes to neuroscience and how the brain works. After seeing her keynote I know your group will love her. Your group will get the real deal on how your brain works accompanied with some practical tools you can immediately put to use to create the results you want. Can't wait to see you Dr. Brynn in action again!”

— Wayne Lee, CSP

Fotini Iconomopoulos Headshot

“I have in fact had the pleasure of seeing Dr. Brynn speak formally on multiple occasions - most recently, as example, I attended an event just to watch her speak. Dr. Brynn’s insights translate easily for anyone in business, no matter what the discipline. Further, if your business requires you to deal with people, she’s got something useful to say! Brynn is a bundle of energy who manages to make brain science extremely engaging for her audience. I'd recommend Dr.Brynn as a speaker for any event organizer looking to merge the brainscience of business, motivation, and high-energy into a single keynote.”

— Fotini Iconomopoulos, Negotiations Expert

Jan Van der Hoop Headshot

“I found Dr. Brynn’s talk to be animated, informative, educational, engaging, and fun. Dr. Brynn has an unusual ability to take complex information and make it simple, universally human and... personal. The surprise for me is not just that someone with such a rigorous background in science and research can be so entertaining and personable on stage - but that she was willing to bridge the gap between the 'two solitudes' of hard science and 'woo-woo' new-age pop-psychology such as ‘The Secret’ or the the ‘Mindfulness’ wave gripping society - pointing out how they each actually validate and reinforce the other in a holistic way. Diabolical, in the best possible way!”

— Jan Van der Hoop, Fit First Technologies

Saisha Guzder Headshot

“Listening to Dr. Brynn’s keynote presentation is like watching your favourite movie again for the first time. I had the pleasure of first listening to Brynn speak at an AMA conference in Toronto—though have since seen her present twice more at various events. The knowledge, engagement, and passion she brings to each of her presentations left me in complete awe. Dr. Brynn has the ability to turn a heavy and sometimes daunting subject into something that anyone in any industry can relate to. Best of all, when you leave one of Brynn’s keynotes you’ve not only learned how to enhance your business but you’ve learned tips and tricks about improving your own brain! Watching Dr. Brynn is an experience and one that must not be missed.”

— Saisha Guzder, Umbra