Effective Strategies To Plan Your Workday

A lifelong obsession with the human brain and studying it has led me to the view that our brain is a tool: our first and most important tool, something uniquely human tool that each person is blessed with. And, each of can choose how to use our tool how we choose: you can hone it, improve it, use it improperly or properly, take it for granted, invest in it, disregard it, manipulate it, live inside, live outside, live in spite of it...

About this Brain Booster

A lifelong obsession with the human brain and studying it has led me to the view that our brain is a tool: our first and most important tool, something uniquely human tool that each person is blessed with. And, each of can choose how to use our tool how we choose: you can hone it, improve it, use it improperly or properly, take it for granted, invest in it, disregard it, manipulate it, live inside, live outside, live in spite of it...

Over the years I've collected and developed countless brain-based ways to maximize the performance and use of this tool for our days, work, lives.

Today, I share 8 things I *actually* do in my day, to make the most of the neural matter that rests between all our ears.

These tricks are backed by science and help me feel more motivated, be more productive, help me manage my energy, so I can feel happier, healthier, less anxious and get more done.

At the end of it, what do you want to feel? I want to feel the satisfaction of a productive day; like I prioritized the right things; and like I have the energy, mental capacity, fortitude, stamina to do it all over again tomorrow: I didn't overtax myself, I don't feel unduly stressed or anxious, I bit off a reasonable chunk, I have realistic goals, I have clarity in my work and can come back tomorrow, to tackle more again.

In today's episode, let's talk about some strategies that will help you plan your workday more efficiently so you can strike a work-life balance, get more done in less time, and feel better about it all:


Start Early: Value of 'Me Time', Prioritizing You First, Getting a Head Start on Your Own Work 00:17

Start Strong: Do Toughest Things First, the Menial Tasks Can Wait 01:15

Breaks Aren't Bad They're Required! In fact, here's When, Why, How Long to Take 01:55

Why 'Anti-Social' can be so 'Pro-ductive' 03:50

'No-Meeting-Mondays': Get Yourself Together, Get Things Organized, Prep Properly 04:27

Why Working Out at 5PM - not 5AM - is Better for Energy Management 06:00

Evening Work: Why my Workout is the Last of my Workday & I No Longer Work All Evening 07:08


How To Be A More Productive Employee


How To Use Your Time And Energy Wisely